Saturday, May 9


(n.) finding something good without looking for it
Just happens to be my favorite word and a perfect description of how I see finding a new song that I love, a happy coincidence.

Sofia x

Sunday, February 15

Galentines Day

As much as I dislike the concept of Valentines Day I like to use it as an excuse to have a nice night in with my friends. Hence why my day turn into Galentines Day hue hue soo punny! My day consisted of lots of movie watching, pizza eating, listening to The Weeknd + Marvin Gaye and singing along to Love on Top with a voice that would put Beyonce to shame (I'll never give up on trying to reach those high notes, sorry friends and family)

 Jumper:Folkster (vintage shop)
 Skirt: Zara


 Laughing at my attempt of posing for outfit pictures
 What did you do this Valentines day? Tell me belowww
Hope you have a great day!
Sofia x

Sunday, February 8

Catching Sun Rays

I was about to begin my homework when my dad pointed out the amazing sunset that was occurring outside my window. We dropped everything that we were doing to race into the car and chase the sun before it went down. I am so lucky to live near the sea but never take full advantage of it. Here are some photographs I took when I should have been doing homework (sorry not sorry teachers)

 the locals came over for a photo shoot
Hope you had a great day :)
Sofia x

Tuesday, December 30

Throwback to warmer days

 Here are some photographs I never put up on my blog  but wanted to share(mainly taken in Italy)

 Living in trains and art gallery's in Italy

  The architecture in Italy is so beautiful. I spent most of my time on trains going to nearby city's and exploring art museums.
Hope you like some of these pictures What do you think?
Sofia x

Monday, December 29

A Few Christmas Goodies

Hope everyone has a super fantastic Christmas now on to another year! I have been so terrible at blogging but I still enjoy reading other peoples blogs and wish I was back in the swing of blogging. Unfortunately I can be very lazy and I'm currently in a preettty busy year in school so I cant promise that I will be a good blogger but I'll try.
What did you get for Christmas? Here are a few of my prezziiis

 I got one of these Polaroid cameras for my birthday last year but sadly it broke while I was traveling I considered not replacing it but realized I missed it way too much so I HAVE MY BABY BACK! It may be a different color but I love it soo much! Ive already used up around 3 packs of film and cant wait to take more pictures with it.

Dermalogica clear start day and night set- Ive only used this for a few days but it leave my skin so clean and soft so A+ from me

My dearest sister got me a box of new makeup(I was really in need of some,so thank goth for her)
Soap&Glory-Supercat eyeliner
Soap&Glory-Kickass Concealer 
Soap&Glory-Brow Tint & Precision Shaping Pencil
Loreal- Color Riche Doutzen's NUDE
Loreal- Color Riche 461
Loreal- Nude Magique BB Powder
Loreal- Volume Million Lashes (wow this is amazinggg) 

Hope you have an amazing New Years Eve and new year :)
Sofia x 


Tuesday, October 7

Current Playlist

Whats up! 
Hope everything is well in school :)
My favorite songs change nearly every day but these are the songs I've been obsessing over for a while.

Alt-J, Flume, The Kooks, Little Comets and The XX have been somee of my favorite bands lately. What are you loving recently? I love hearing new music so tell me beloww! Do you like any of these songs/artists? 
Sofia x

Wednesday, June 18

OOTD|Bowler hats and vintage bags

Believe it or not this is my first ever OOTD. And its quite a boring simple outfit. It consists of my top from Zara, hat & bag from vintage shops and jeans from Topshop. I'm not usually a hat person but this one makes me feel like I'm in a John Hughes movie. Also another shocker is that Ireland has been sunny for the last week!! Which means I have a huge grin on my face and a tomato red back (I ain't complaining!)
 Hows the weather been where ever you live??
What do you think of my outfit of the day? Should I do OOTD more often? Let me know!
Have a great day:)
Sofia x

Saturday, June 7

Cruelty Free Makeup Brands

Hows your summer going? Or do you have exams right now?
Recently I have been really interested in finding out about vegan-ism/ vegetarianism and have found myself constantly on blogs about said topic but for the moment I'm apparently "to young" and still need my proteins (mother knows best)
But without making the huge change to stop eating meat(or animal made products) there are still simply things we can do to help our fellow earthlings out a bit. 
One thing I used to never think of when buying makeup was whether it had been tested on animals or not. Now looking closer into it I think animal testing is sooo wrong and have been looking up makeup brands that are cruelty free.
Unless you buy your L'oreal products in China. Animal testing is mandatory in China.
Since March 2013, L’Oréal no longer tests any of its products or ingredients on animals. 
Urban Decay
 Is and always has been cruelty free.
Too Faced 
Their products even brushes are vegan friendly
They are cruelty free, but their parent company is not.
Liz Earle
 Liz Earle is cruelty free but has been bought by Avon which is not cruelty free.


ELF cosmetics

The Body Shop

The Balm


NYX cosmetics

 I was glad to see soo many of my favorite makeup brands being cruelty free and will begin to shop more with these brands and defiantly keep my eye out for more cruelty free brands, every little helps right?
Hope you have an amazing day!
What do you think about animal testing? Yay or Nay?
 Sofia x

Tuesday, June 3

Under a Shanti Sky

I havent been on my blog lately but I have been spending more time then usual on my tumblr which I renamed "under-a-shanti-sky"
If you have a tumblr link it below maybe we could follow each other I love finding new tumblr's! :D

I just got my summer holidays now so there might be more frequent posts!:) Im going to France and Italy this summer so Ill be sure to post pictures of my trips.
What are you getting up to this summer?
Do you plan on going anywhere nice? Tell me all beloww!
Hope you have a great day:)
Sofia x
Instagram: sofiadaniela_